2012 • № 3
The 80th Anniversary of the S.I.Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Yu. M. Baturin. History2, worthy of Shakespeare
M. V. Shleeva. Russian and Soviet historians of science and technology in the eyes of their foreign colleagues
D. Yu. Shcherbinin. A gathering of cosmonauts at the Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences: The continuation of a tradition
Vik. P. Vizgin. In honor of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology’s jubilee
From the History of Science
I. S. Dmitriev. And still they write… (The trial of Galileo as interpreted by contemporary Russian intellectuals)
Lessons from History
V. S. Sobolev. «To assist scientific investigations…» (From the history of the Moscow Society for the Study and Advancement of the History of Science)
G. P. Matvievskaia. P. I. Rychkov and his works (on the 300th anniversary of his birth)
Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
Yu. V. Stepanchuk. Biographical materials on V. P. Zenkovich (1920s through the 1940s)
Museums and Institutions
G. G. Grigorian. The collection of the Polytechnic Museum as material chronicle of Russian achievements in technology and techno-science
Brief Communications
A. I. Tsuguliev. The Moon, ilmenite, and priority in discoveries
B. I. Kriuchkov, I. G. Sokhin, A. A. Kuritsyn. The evolution of systems for training cosmonauts in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation: From practicing skills to building professional expertise
V. A. Gurikov. V. S. Ignatovsky: Founding father of Russian optotechnics
Essay Reviews
Three perspectives on Loren R. Graham and Jean-Michel Kantor’s «Naming Infinity: A Truthful History of Religious Mysticism and Mathematical Creativity»
Vik. P. Vizgin. Naming infinity
V. A. Bazhanov. How justifiable is the claim regarding the heuristic influence of Name Worshipping on mathematics?
G. I. Sinkevich. Religion and science in the cultural lives of Russia and France: A look from a distance
Book Reviews
S. S. Ilizarov, ed. New Perspectives on Lomonosov: Documents and Investigations (In Honor of the 300th Anniversary of his Birth) (Moscow, 2011), reviewed by E. P. Karpeev
Academic Life
D. Yu. Shcherbinin. The 100th anniversary of Boris Yevseevich Chertok (roundtable discussion)
D. A. Sumkin. The practical value of historical research (reports by Yu. M. Baturin at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University)
V. A. Kitov, V. M. Troianovsky. The Second International Conference on the History of Computers and Informatics in the Soviet Union and Russia: SoRuCom 2011
B. I. Ivanov. The Thirty-Second Annual Conference of St. Petersburg Historians of Science and echnology
N. M. Semenov History of technology at the jubilee exposition, devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Soviet participation in the International Exhibition in 1937