From the History of Science
V. I. Vernadsky’s geocentrism
Aksenov G. P.
Vernadsky called the concept of the Earth as a planet the mankind’s most fundamental knowledge. Proceeding from this, the paper raises a question ofwhether the concept of biosphere is a limited concept or a novel universal paradigm applicable to both the natural and social sciences. The problem of scientific picture of the world had emerged back in the 17th century when geocentrism was replaced by heliocentrism. According to I.S.Dmitriev, during the trial of Galileo, Pope UrbanVIII maintained that science would never be able to create the final theory of the universe. No theory may curb the God’s omnipotence. A century later, such deliberately limited concept of the universe was created by I.Newton. His celestial mechanics described the relative motion only. In the Newtonian system, it is the Creator who establishes absolute time and space and thus restores the damped motion.In his concept of the biosphere, Vernadsky’s effectively decodes the classical mechanics’ absolute time and space. The mechanical motion of bodies is complemented by a new type of motion that is inherent to all living organisms. The living matter has not accidentally emerged from the inert matter. The organisms have their own time and space and these properties only emerge in the process of biogenesis. Vernadsky calculated the organisms’ reproduction rate constants that were found to be as accurate as physical constants.Based on this fundamental theory of living matter, Vernadsky developed a novel, biosphere cosmology according to which the Earth’s living envelope determines the Earth’s size, shape, and position in space. The biosphere ought to be described using the biogeochemical, energy, and information models. Essentially, Vernadsky’s logic of natural science is a modern scientific paradigm that may be called new geocentrism.
Key words: heliocentric system, mechanical picture of the world, new geocentrism., planetary astronomy, the doctrine of the biosphere, the principle of cosmicality of life, the size and shape of planet Earth
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Recommended bibliographic description
Aksenov G. P., V. I. Vernadsky’s geocentrism,
Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology],
2017, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 246-267
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143