Museums and Institutions
University museums in prerevolutionary Russia
Burlykina M. I.
University museums existed in all thirteen state universities in Imperial Russia. Most typically, they were disciplinary museums in fields such as zoology, botany, geology, natural history, numismatics, antiquities, fine arts, as had been envisioned by the university statutes of 1804, 1835, 1863, and 1884. Some museums came into being as results of thematic exhibitions (Ethnographical, Anthropological, Polytechnic, and Geographical at Moscow University) or the activities of an individual scientist (the D. I. Mendeleev memorial museum at St. Petersburg University). Many museums outgrew their immediate function of assistance in instruction to become nationally important repositories with rare and unique collections. Some of them hosted or inspired the establishment of scholarly societies, such as the Society of Naturalists, that organized expeditions to help enrich the museum’s collections, and provided institutional spaces for research.
Key words: charity, collection, prerevolutionary Russia, university
Arend, Iu. E. and Kalnin, V. V. (1979) O razvitii gistologii i embriologii na meditsinskom fakul’tete Tartuskogo universiteta [On the Development of Histology and Embryology at the Medical Faculty of Tartu University] // Voprosy istorii Tartuskogo universiteta, vol. 9.
Bagalei, D. I. and Osipov, I. P. (eds.) (1912) Uchenye obshchestva i uchebno-vspomogatel’nye uchrezhdeniia Khar’kovskogo universiteta (1805–1905 gg.) [Learned Societies and Auxiliary Educational Institutions of Kharkov University (1805–1905)] . Khar’kov.
Bogdanov, A. P. (1869) Zoologicheskii muzei Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo universiteta [The Zoological Museum of the Imperial Moscow University] . Moskva.
Grigor’ev, V. V. (1870) Imperatorskii Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet v techenie pervykh piatidesiati let ego sushchestvovaniia... [Imperial St. Petersburg University During the First Fifty Years of Its Existence...] . Sankt-Peterburg: Tipografiia V. Bezobrazova i Kー.
Kozhevnikov, G. (ed.) Kratkii ukazatel’ pokaznoi kollektsii mlekopitaiushchikh i ptits Zoologicheskogo muzeia Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo universiteta. 3 izd. [Short Index of Mammals and Birds of the Zoological Museum of the Imperial Moscow University. 3rd ed.] (1913). Moskva: Tip. Moskovskogo universiteta.
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Popov, M. A. (ed.) Putevoditel’ po muzeiu fiziologicheskoi anatomii Imperatorskogo Khar’kovskogo universiteta [A Guide to the Museum of Physiological Anatomy of the Imperial Kharkov University] (1897) . Khar’kov: Parovaia tipografiia i litografiia Zil’berberg.
Redin, E. K. (1894) Khar’kov kak tsentr khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniia iuga Rossii [Kharkov as a Center of Art Education in Southern Russia] . Khar’kov: Tipografiia Gubernskogo pravleniia.
Redin, E. K. (1901) I. E. Betskii i Muzei iziashchnykh iskusstv i drevnostei Khar’kovskogo universiteta (k istorii un-ta) [I. E. Betskii and the Museum of Fine Arts and Antiquities of Kharkov University]. Khar’kov: Parovaia tip. i lit. M. Zil’berberg i synov’ia.
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Stadnitskii, N. G. (1906) Muzei normal’noi anatomii pri meditsinskom fakul’tete Imperatorskogo Novorossiiskogo universiteta [The Museum of Normal Anatomy at the Medical Faculty of the Imperial Novorossiya University] . Odessa, 1906.
Ukazatel’ Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo universiteta, ili kratkoe opisanie kabinetov i drugikh zavedenii, nakhodiashchikhsia pri universitete, s pokazaniem vsego dostoprimechatel’nogo vonykh [The Index of the Imperial Moscow University, or Short Description of the Universtity’s Rooms and Other Facilities, with the Indication of all the Remarkable Therein] (1826). M.: Universitetskaia tipografiia.
Ukazatel’ proizvedenii, khraniashchikhsia v Muzee iziashchnykh iskusstv pri Imp. Khar’kovskom universitete. Skul’ptura [The Index of Items Stored at the Museum of Fine Arts at the Imperial Kharkov University. Sculpture] . Khar’kov, 1870.
Recommended bibliographic description
Burlykina M. I., University museums in prerevolutionary Russia,
Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology],
2016, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 136-155
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143