Ironworks images on the 17th and early 18th century Russian geographic maps as a source for the history of technology
Калита С. П., Юркин И. Н.The paper analyzes ironworks images on the 17th and early 18th century Russian geographic maps (chertezh) including a number of maps comprising part of the cartographic heritage of S. U. Remezov. The main groups of such images are identified, with each group characterized by an example. The specifics of graphic images are reviewed based on the published and archive material. The images used in the paper include the early ironworks in European Russia such as Gorodishchensky / Tula, Ugodsky, and Zvenigorod ironworks and those in the Urals: Kamensk and Uktus ironworks. Some of these are shown on the pictures. The role of the texts associated with the images – both the brief inscriptions on the maps and the detailed commentaries accompanying the maps (such as Remezov’s) – is pointed out. The possibilities for using geographic maps containing ironworks images as a source for the history of technology are discussed, with the examples of the interpretation of particular maps. It is suggested to create a catalogue of Russian geographic maps bearing ironwork images.
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ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143