Из истории естествознания
The Timan ridge: the history of discovery of the mountain system and the emergence of the oronym
Астахова И. С. (Геологический музей им. А. А. Чернова Института геологии Коми научного центра РАН)This paper is an attempt at rethinking the literature and cartographic data concerning the history of discovery of the Timan Ridge. The objects of this study are the travelers’ notes and the 16th – early 20th century cartographic materials, concerned with Northern European Russia. Based on the analysis of these sources, the author of this paper concludes that the highlands in the Malozemelskaya Tundra had been known since the 16th century although they only began to appear on the maps in the early 17th century. Geographical location, length, and particular features of this range called the Timans were first determined by A. Keyserling and P. von Krusenstern in 1848. The explorers were the first to map the Timans as a geological object over 700 Km long north-eastward. Particular attention is given to the history of emergence of the respective oronym. Different assumptions concerning the name of the Ridge have been put forward in the literature, and many of these were not really convincing. The paper analyzes these versions and proposes a new version of emergence of this oronym.
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ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143