A debut without continuation: the history of morphogenetic meetings in the USSR in the 1930s
Белозеров О. П. (Институт истории естествознания и техники им. С. И. Вавилова РАН)The First Inter-Laboratory Morphogenetic Meeting was held in Moscow on June 14–16, 1935. This meeting became a landmark in the history of the science of individual development in the USSR. It was an attempt to evaluate the journey covered by this discipline in the Soviet Union, its successes, problems and preferred directions of development. One year later, in 1936, an attempt was made to convene the Second Morphogenetic Meeting but this initiative, however, failed: at first it was postponed till March 1937 and then the question of this meeting was no longer on the agenda. This paper reviews the background and history of the First Morphogenetic Meeting, the issues discussed at the meeting, and its role in the history of the studies on individual development in the USSR as well as the preparation of the Second Meeting and possible reasons why it never took place.
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ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143