This paper analyzes the establishment and activities of the Voronezh Society of Naturalists from the time of its foundation through the 1930s. The difficulties associated with the organization of the Society are being reviewed as well as the role of Yuriev University’s faculty and members of the Yuriev Society of Naturalists. The Society’s membership dynamics is analyzed; it is noted that the Society suffered considerable membership losses during the Civil War: some members left the city with the White Army troops, others died from starvation and diseases. The paper reviews the organizing activities of the Society’s Chairpersons, the prominent scientists B. I. Sreznevskii, K. K. Sent-Iler (Saint-Hilaire), N. N. Bogolyubov, B. M. Kozo-Polyansky, and I. I. Barabash-Nikiforov, and of some other VSN members. Thus, Sent-Iler resumed the hydrobiological studies of the freshwater organisms and fauna of the Kovda Bay (White Sea) initiated by him back at Yuriev University. Bogolyubov organized geological expeditions as well as the publication of the Society’s periodical. Kozo-Polyanskii’s must be given credit for the extensive phytogeographical studies and the creation of still functioning Botanical Garden of Voronezh University. The VSN Chairman Barabash-Nikiforov was the founder of the Voronezh school of zoologists. Therefore, the contribution of the Society’s members to the studies of plants and animals of the Central Black Earth Region during the period from 1918 through the 1930s ought to be properly acknowledged
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