From the History of Science
Kirik Novgorodets as a representative of the early Renaissance (12th century)
Simonov R. A.Kirik Novgorodets (“Kirik the Novgorodian”) is known as the author of the first Russian treatise on mathematical chronology, “Uchenie im zhe vedati cheloveku chisla vsekh let” (The manual of how a person comes to know numeration of years) (1136) devoted to practical chronology timed to the year of creation of this treatise by the author (anthropocentrism). In his canonical work, “Voproshanie” (The Questions) (12<sup>th</sup> century), Kirik describes the means of exerting ethical and psychological influence on the population for the purpose of introducing people to the norms of Christian morality (psychologism). Analysis of Kirik’s works also demonstrates that his perception of time depended on the changing historical situation (perception of the world in time). Anthropocentrism, psychologism, and perception of the world in time are characteristic of the Renaissance; it is in this context that the issue of appropriateness of ranking Kirik among the representatives of the Early Renaissance is being considered.
Key words: “Uchenishe im zhe vedati cheloveku chisla vsekh let” (The manual of how a person comes to know numeration of years), “Voproshanie” (The Questions), anthropocentrism, Kirik Novgorodets (“Kirik the Novgorodian”), perception of the world in time, psychologism, Renaissance
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