Museums and Institutions
Virtual museums of science and technology: their present and future
Leonov A. V.
New technologies of 3D-documentation, virtual reality, and the internet have enabled the production of and interaction with virtual images at previously unimaginable levels. Introduction of these technologies into such traditional fields as history of science and museology has inspired new projects, such as the «virtual museum» and the «virtual history of science and technology». The paper analyzes these projects and their related social, methodological, terminological, and technological problems. It discusses the advantages of a virtual museum of science and technology and proposes some guidelines towards its development.
Key words: 3D-document, virtual museum, WebGL
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Recommended bibliographic description
Leonov A. V., Virtual museums of science and technology: their present and future,
Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology],
2015, vol. 36, no. 4, p. 783-795
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143