Lessons from History
The Ideology of the Scientist in a Non-Scientific Milieu (A View from the Side at the Role of the Physicist in the Life of Society)
Shcherbakov R. N.
Ideology of power is a set of ideas and concepts aimed at supporting or changing the existing social order. Ideology of science as a particular activity producing new knowledge about nature reveals itself when scientists interact with wider society and the state. Scientists’ ideology aims at maintaining the norms and traditions of research, training and reproduction of scientific community, supporting the social status of science and its protection from abuses of power. This article analyzes the interaction of the two ideologies in the case of physics.
Key words: history of physics, ideology, science and society
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Recommended bibliographic description
Shcherbakov R. N., The Ideology of the Scientist in a Non-Scientific Milieu (A View from the Side at the Role of the Physicist in the Life of Society),
Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology],
2015, vol. 36, no. 2, p. 322–343
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143