The Sixtieth Anniversary of the St. Petersburg branch of the S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology (IHST)
«The founder’s principle» and the history of the Leningrad / St. Petersburg branch of the IHST (1953–2013): Traditions and quests, people and achievements
Kolchinsky E. I.
This essay examines the prehistory and history of the Leningrad branch of the Institute for the History of Science and Technology at the Soviet Academy of Sciences (since 1991, the St. Petersburg branch of the IHST at the Russian Academy of Sciences). Its founders consisted of several highly skilled enthusiasts of the history of science and professional historians who had worked at the institutions that were forerunners of the Leningrad branch of the IHST. The Leningrad institute provided opportunities for them to initiate large projects, train generations of historians of science, establish the institute’s international reputation, and direct its life and activities over the course of nearly half a century. Despite various ideological problems, political pressure, and reorganizations imposed from above, history of science in St. Petersburg remained an integral part of the world academic community, preserving and enhancing the traditions established by previous generations. Since 1991, liberated from strict regulations on subject matter and research methodologies, St. Petersburg historians of science have further developed international collaborations and joint projects with scholars from many countries, and looked for new sources of research funding.
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Recommended bibliographic description
Kolchinsky E. I., «The founder’s principle» and the history of the Leningrad / St. Petersburg branch of the IHST (1953–2013): Traditions and quests, people and achievements,
Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology],
2013, vol. 34, no. 3, p. 44-96
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143