2014, vol. 35, no. 2
From the History of Science
Leibniz in Russia: Translators and translations
Bayuk D. A., Fedorova O. B.Social History of Science
The beginnings of academic science in the Urals, 1932–1939
Gusev A. I.Social History of Science
The «Russian Season» in Cambridge, 1916
Basargina E. Yu.From the History of Technology
A documentary history of the aircraft Strela
Sobolev D. A.From the History of Technology
Railroad lines and public transportation in the Moscow metropolitan area
Semenov N. M.Lessons from History
Studying China: the works and lives of Russian emigrants
Khisamutdinov A. A.Lessons from History
A constellation of anniversaries (From the history of probability theory)
Sheynin O. B.Lessons from History
History of physics for graduate students: Pedagogical observations
Buliubash B. V.Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
Etienne-Jules Marey and the first animal electrocardiogram
Ivanova A. N., Roshchevsky M. P.Problems of Science Studies
How much science will be left in Russia after the liquidation of the Russian Academy of Sciences?
Shulgina I. V.Documents and Publications
«I have fulfilled my duty towards the country…» Archival documents on the life and work of V. P. Efroimson
Fando R. A., Muzrukova E. B.Brief communications
Women participants at the Congresses of Russian Naturalists and Physicians (1867–1913): Statistical data
Valkova O. A.© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143