2013, vol. 34, no. 4
The 100th Anniversary of V. I. Vernadsky
V. I. Vernadsky and the Problem of Consciousness
Mochalov I. I.From the History of Science
Time measurement and calendars in Ancient Mesopotamia (The Sumerian period)
Kurtik G. E.From the History of Science
First sightings of the mainland of Antarctica: towards a critical analysis
Bulkeley, R.Social History of Science
«The Society of Destroyers of Natural Science», or «The Moscow Academy of Sciences»? (The 150th anniversary of the Society of Devotees of Natural Sciences, Anthropology and Ethnography)
Krivosheina G. G.Lessons from History
History, current state, and future prospects for the development of the Tikhvin waterway system
Chesnov V. M., Shirokova V. A., Snytko V. A.Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
Unknown regarding little known: T. I. Rainov and V. I. Vernadsky
Ilizarov S. S.Brief communications
Virtual reconstruction of the history of Soviet and Russian manned spaceflights
Bobkov A. E., Purtov I. S., Shcherbinin D. Yu., Shurov A. I.© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143