Из истории естествознания
Solar studies at the crimean astrophysical observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences: experiment OST-1
Адамень Ф. Ф., Щербина А.Д.Recommended bibliographic description
Адамень Ф. Ф., Щербина А.Д., Solar studies at the crimean astrophysical observatory of the USSR Academy of Sciences: experiment OST-1, Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki [Studies in History of Science and Technology], 2018. Vol. 39. No 2, p. 225-239
© Studies in the History of Science and Technology: Quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2015)
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143
ISSN 0205-9606. Индекс 70143